John Obaro

Founder & Group Managing Director, SystemSpecs


John Tanimola Obaro is the Founder and Group Managing Director of SystemSpecs, a leading technology institution with four subsidiaries offering solutions in fintech and payment services, human capital management, community platforms, crowdfunding, budgeting, and entertainment, lifestyle & travel. With a strong foundation in Computer Science and an MBA, Obaro left a lucrative banking career to pursue his passion for technology innovation.

Starting with a staff of four, his vision transformed SystemSpecs into a technology powerhouse, developing notable solutions including HumanManager, a leading human capital management solution, and Remita a leading payment platform, widely known for implementing the Treasury Single Account project for the Federal Government of Nigeria-Africa’s largest TSA deployment since 2012. Obaro’s entrepreneurial drive, leadership skills and commitment to innovation have earned him numerous accolades attesting to his status as a leading figure in Nigeria’s tech landscape. These include an honorary award of Doctor of Science, Computing and Information Technology by Trinity University, Lagos and recognition as an honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN).

He has served on several Boards and strategic bodies focused on the advancement of technology in Nigeria. These include Nigeria’s Ministerial Advisory Council on Information and Communication Technology; Governing Council of the National ICT Incubation Program; Institute of Software Practitioners of Nigeria (ISPON); Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria (CPN); Fintech Association of Nigeria among others. John Obaro is widely regarded as a quintessential techpreneur, with an unwavering passion for positioning Nigeria on the global technology stage